Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Word games. Want to try? Click the links below and you can play all the word games you want.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Read the conversation between Aiman and Alin, then fill in the blanks.

Alin : Look! A treasure hunt. Would you like to enter?

Aiman : Oh yes. I’ve never done a (1)_____________ before.

Alin : Treasure hunts are great fun.

Aiman : When is it?

Alin : Umm. Sunday 20th November. That’s next week.

Aiman : Well, next (2)___________ we still have time to get ready for the treasure hunt.

Alin : When does it start?

Aiman : It (3)___________ at 7 o’clock in the morning.

Alin : Good. It won’t be too hot at that time in the (4)___________

Aiman : Look, we need bicycles. Is your tyre O.K. now?

Alin :Yes. I went to the bike shop and bought a new (5)___________

Aiman :We have to wear sport clothes. I will wear school PE uniform.

Alin :Good idea. I will (6)___________mine too?

Aiman :Look, we have to telephone Mohd Azim

Alin :You read out his telephone number. I’ll write it down.

Aiman : O.K. His telephone(7)___________ is 8873429.

Alin : O.K. I will (8)____________ him when we get home.

Aiman : This is so exciting. Do you think we will win a (9)___________?

Alin : Look there, the first prize is two bikes!

Aiman : Wow, two (10) ___________! That’s great. Let’s go home and tell mother.

Please post your answers in the comment post.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Want to check your vocabulary skill? Try these questions below

Read about this netball school team. Then fill in blanks with one suitable word from the list below to complete the passage.











Our school (11)______________ team is a very good. There are

(12) ______________ of us an we (13) ______________ lots of games. We all (14) ______________ a different position. Our goal defence is Norbaya and our goal (15) ______________ is Hamidah. Zainatul plays (16) ______________ the centre. I am the goal shooter. My (17) ______________ is Nazreen. The team has two attacking players. Norazlin plays wing attack and Aiysa is our(18) ______________ attack. The last player, Maslina is our wing defence.

There are some places on the court where certain player cannot (19) ______________. For example, I am the goal shooter and I must not go out of the first part of the (20) ______________, on the right.

Post your answers in the comment post.